RTRP riverside transmission reliability project
Southern California Edison (SCE) and the City of Riverside's Municipal Utility Department (known as Riverside Public Utilities [RPU]) jointly planned the RTRP. The project would be owned and operated by both RPU and SCE.
October 24 Item 34 City Council - Draft a resolution supporting efforts by the City of Norco
and their Petition for Modification submitted to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
for full undergrounding of the RTRP VIDEO
PE Article 10.25.23 - Riverside punts to state regulators for decision on
January 17 Item 17 City Council - Proposal to form a working group to secure funding to underground the Riverside portion of the RTRP by Councilmembers Hemenway and Conder VIDEO
December 06 City Council public comments on undergrounding the 5 mile section of the RTRP project https://bit.ly/RTRP_PublicComments_December06
December 06 City Council comments on future agenda item to undergrounding the 5 mile section of the RTRP project https://bit.ly/City_Council_Dec06_FutureItemsDiscussion
City Council - Tuesday November 15 Item#20
RTRP Consultant report review on undergrounding part of the RTRP project in neighborhood areas and the Hidden Valley Nature Preserve ITEM#20 VIDEO
Council voted 4 - 3 against the recommendation to further study undergrounding 5 miles of the RTRP Project and to move forward with the project as currently approved
Option to support the undergrounding proposal recommendations:
Against: Edwards - Conder - Plascencia - Perry
Support: Cervantes - Fierro - Hemenway
Option to support the project as approved to move forward:
Support: Edwards - Conder - Plascencia - Perry
Against: Cervantes - Fierro - Hemenway
Representative Ken Calvert Reintroduces Bill to Establish
Here is a LINK to the project timeline
California Public Utilities Commission approved an application from Southern California Edison (SCE) to construct a transmission line 3.12.20
" We adopt a cost cap for the Riverside Transmission Reliability Project of $408 million if built as proposed by Southern California Edison Company and $521 million if built as Alternative 1. "
2018 Riverside Integrated Resource Plan (designing demand-side programs and services for RPU customers and integrating demand-side resources into our power supply portfolio) SUMMARY
Riverside County Regional Park & Open Space District
Congressman Mark Takano letter 3.6.19 in support of undergrounding the transmission lines through the Hidden Valley Nature Preserve
The City of Jurupa Valley is leading the opposition to the current route and scope of this project.
Are grid-scale lithium-ion facilities part of our future for energy sustainability ?
3.5 miles of underground transmission line COST: $224M